Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2020-04-02

Thursday April 2nd 2020
A Weekday Emailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of 
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
Dear Friends,
JOIN US TONIGHT at 7:00 for a prayer service. Bring your concerns & celebrations. The bottom of this email has instructions. 
Let’s add Kristie Cozad to our prayer list. This note is from Greg, and I share it here with his and Kristie’s permission:
Late last week Kristie’s infection in her left breast returned and seems to also have moved to her right breast. She has had 3 appointments at Carle the past 2 days. She will need surgery to remove all implants and clean the infected area. There is also the possibility that she has developed inflammatory breast cancer. This type of cancer is rare but is unfortunately more advanced. She had a biopsy this morning and will likely have the results late this week.  She has no signs of Covid—cough, fever, shortness of breath and feels ok other than the breast related issues.  
So as you make your prayer lists for the next couple days please lift up Kristie. Specifically please pray that she remains cancer free and that they can clean up the infection without complications.  
* * *
This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will celebrate communion. Yes, even though we are physically separated, we will celebrate communion, a sacrament that celebrates our unity in Christ. When you tune in for Sunday worship (firstpres.live), bring some juice (or wine?) and some bread. The Christ who gathers with us is not put off by barriers of time or space. He can be with each of us at once, in different locations, around “one table” which he spreads in our hearts.
Here’s Kristi Corbin’s bread recipe, if you’d like to make a fresh loaf for Sunday:
1 1/2 cups warm water
1  tablespoon yeast
1/2 cup honey
2 1/4 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 1/8 cups of whole wheat flour
In large bowl, mix warm water and yeast to dissolve.  Add honey and olive oil to the mixture and stir. Let rest until yeast is bubbly.  This is usually just a few minutes. Mix salt and flour together first in a smaller bowl and then add gradually to the mixture.  Knead about 5 minutes until smooth. Place in a bowl and cover it with a damp cloth. Let rise in a warm place until doubled. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Punch down risen dough, knead briefly, then shape into one large loaf or two equally-sized round, slightly flattened, loaves. Using a serrated knife, carefully score the sign of the cross in the middle of the loaf.  Place in preheated oven on a baking stone or cookie sheet and bake until loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when thumped (around 45 minutes). Let cool fifteen minutes before lifting from the cookie sheet or baking stone.  Ideally, let cool completely before serving.
Much love to you all.
Palm Branches: If any of you wish to drive through the alley between our Sanctuary and Education buildings TODAY, this afternoon between 1:00 and 2:00, you will be met by a gloved volunteer(s) who will hand you through your open car window a palm branch for every member of your family. The palms have been boxed for over a week, so they carry no infection, advises Peter Yau. We will make no flesh-to-flesh contact in the exchange. 
Email us a picture: We’d like to share a picture of you with palm branches, picture of you with your cat, picture of you in your worship space, picture of you…where ever. We’re attempting to stay connected during this season of physical-distancing. Send a picture to live@firstpres.church.
A Video Message from Matt: Matt’s friends in jail? (“Paul and Silas”).
The Good Word:  
Psaumes 150 La Bible du Semeur (BDS)
150 Louez l’Eternel?!
Louez Dieu |dans son sanctuaire?!
Louez-le dans l’étendue céleste |où éclate sa puissance?!
2 Louez-le pour ses hauts faits,
louez-le |pour son immense grandeur?!
3 Louez-le au son du cor,
louez-le au son du luth, |au son de la lyre?!
4 Louez-le avec des danses |et au son des tambourins?!
Louez-le avec le luth |et avec la flûte?!
5 Louez-le par les cymbales |bien retentissantes?!
Louez-le par les cymbales |résonnant avec éclat?!
6 Que tout ce qui vit |loue donc l’Eternel?!
Louez l’Eternel?!
Psalm 150 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
150 Shout praises to the Lord!
    Praise God in his temple.
    Praise him in heaven,
    his mighty fortress.
2 Praise our God!
    His deeds are wonderful,
    too marvelous to describe.
3 Praise God with trumpets
    and all kinds of harps.
4 Praise him with tambourines
    and dancing,
    with stringed instruments
    and woodwinds.
5 Praise God with cymbals,
    with clashing cymbals.
6 Let every living creature
praise the Lord.
    Shout praises to the Lord!
Unseparating One,
Hold us together, 
a fragile web of many strings attached, 
net forming compassion, 
patchwork sky-linked stars. 
By your word, 
recreate us in your image. 
(—Kathryn Johnson Cameron)
(Prayer service instructions below…)
Matt Matthews
Cell: 864.386.9138
Prayer Service instructions:
The simplist thing is to find First Presbyterian Church Champaign on Facebook at 7:00 and join us there! You won’t be able to speak, but you’ll hear and can type in comments/prayer concerns.
Otherwise, join us on ZOOM!  If you wish to pray aloud during the prayer meeting, you’ll need at least a microphone, and preferably a camera, on your computer/phone/tablet.  To connect, you will need to get the link from the church office.  If you received the daily email today, it will be there.  Otherwise, email info@firstpres.church.
If you have not yet participated in a Zoom meeting, please watch this Zoom basics video from another Presbytery: https://youtu.be/twmWqRDXBKw and then test at http://zoom.us/test
REMEMBER, THE EASIEST THING: If you wish to be part of the prayer meeting, but do not intend to pray aloud where all can hear, you can join instead by Facebook Live.  Simply go to our page, http://fb.com/firstpreschampaign/ and you should find the Live video there.  We’ll keep an eye on the comments there, so that we can include your typed prayers, as well.
